Tags → Popup Css

SparrowScripts Javascript Shopping Cart

This shopping cart has a unique feature from the others in the market. It shows the content of a cart in a popup rather than another page, giving the user a better and streamlined shopping experience. The messages and visual are fully configurable wi...


Show a Popup Calendar, Disable Holidays and Weekends Selection, Move the Calendar (IE Only), Use fade Effects (IE and Mozilla Compatible Browsers), Draw a Shadow, Keep Over the Select Options and Applets, Select using ranges of days (Specific Date, T...


dataMiner is a PHP script for manipulating data stored in a database. Table metadata is loaded internally by PHP, leaving configuration minimized to bare essentials. Features like file upload handling, image thumbnails, advanced form controls w/ java...

CodeThatCalendar PRO

CodeThatCalendar PRO is the PROFESSIONAL version of the CodeThatCalendar script. PRO version has all the functionality offered by the Standard and also supports inline, if3rame modes, opacity and other advanced features. CodeThatCalendar Standard/PRO...


SohoCalendar has been implemented in order to provide ASP.NET developers with an easy yet visual way to select date and/or time in web forms and applications. Both inline and popup approaches supported. Transparency, built-in localization and other f...

jsCurrecnyInput: Currency Input component with Calculator.

Very usefull control for currency input with PopUp calculator. This control is based on JavaScript code and was tested on Netscape and IE platforms. It is fully customized through CSS file.

Scriptomizers - Free Code Generators

Allows visitors to instantly create customized cut-and-paste code through simple forms, Generators include a popup window creator, HTML table builder, CSS stylesheet generator, and a drop down jump menu maker.

AllWebMenus Pro

AllWebMenus ProAllWebMenus is a DHTML menu/JavaScript menu builder that lets you create any kind of popup or drop-down web menu without any DHTML or JavaScript experience required. It creates cross-browser CSS menus that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML...


CodeThatCalendar enables you easily add the date/time picker to your form or page. Popup and inline versions of calendar are supported. CSS and visual effects support. On-line builder, forum and complete documentation.

DOM Menu

DOM Menu allows developers to add dynamic, hierarchical popup menus on their web pages. The direction of the menu can either be horizontal or vertical and the menu can open (or popout) in either direction. It has both screen edge detection and selec...
